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Major soldering defects include cold joints, dry joints, solder bridges, tombstoning, solder balls, and voids, each affecting the functionality and reliability of the PCB.

A PCB solderability test evaluates a board's ability to be soldered to, ensuring that the solder properly wets and adheres to the component leads and pads. This test is crucial for assessing the quality of PCB materials and surface finishes.

Semi turnkey refers to a service model where the client provides some components or parts of the project, and the service provider completes the rest. In PCB assembly, this might mean the customer supplies the PCBs or specific components, and the assembly company handles the remaining manufacturing and assembly processes.

It allows more control over component selection, can be cost-effective, and offers flexibility with proprietary or scarce components.

SMT soldering is the process of joining SMT components to a PCB using solder paste that is reflowed under controlled heat, creating mechanical and electrical connections.

Hybrid assembly lines differ from traditional ones by integrating both automated machinery and manual labor, allowing for more versatile production processes that can adapt to complex or variable product designs, whereas traditional lines typically rely on either full automation or manual processes.

Hybrid assembly lines are used to balance the efficiency and consistency of automation with the adaptability and problem-solving capabilities of human workers, making them ideal for producing a wide range of products, including those requiring intricate assembly or quality checks.

Solder flux is a chemical cleaning agent applied before soldering to remove oxides from metal surfaces, promoting better wetting and flow of the solder, and preventing re-oxidation during the soldering process.

An in-circuit test (ICT) is a method of electrical testing that checks the components mounted on a PCB individually for shorts, opens.

Box build solutions are highly customizable to meet specific customer needs and product requirements. This flexibility allows for a wide range of product complexities and functionalities, from simple enclosures with a single PCB to complex systems with multiple integrated components and technologies.