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FR-4 is the most commonly used low-cost PCB material, known for its good electrical properties, durability, and flame resistance. Other affordable options include CEM-1 and phenolic paper laminate for less demanding applications.

A stencil image is a visual pattern or design cut out from a stencil material, used for applying paint, ink, solder paste, or other substances through the cut-out areas to reproduce the design on an underlying surface.

Lead-Free Solder: Environmental friendly, commonly tin-copper or tin-silver-copper. Leaded Solder: Contains tin and lead, known for ease of use but less environmentally friendly. Silver Solder: Higher melting point, used for stronger joints.

A flying probe test uses movable test probes to make contact with components and test points on a PCB. It's flexible and does not require a custom test fixture, making it ideal for prototyping and low-volume production.

MDA focuses on identifying manufacturing defects (shorts, opens, missing components) early in the production process, while ICT (In-Circuit Testing) provides a more comprehensive check, including component functionality and specific electrical parameters.

An MDA works by applying test signals through a bed-of-nails tester or similar fixtures to PCBs, checking for basic circuit continuity and identifying manufacturing defects without powering the board.

EOL testing is crucial for ensuring product quality and reliability, identifying and rectifying defects before products reach customers, thereby reducing returns and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Box build assembly, also known as systems integration, is the comprehensive process of assembling complex electronic and mechanical components into a final product enclosure. It goes beyond PCB assembly to include the integration of all components into a complete system or sub-system.

An example of a box build could be the assembly of a consumer electronics product, like a computer, where various components such as the motherboard, power supply, and hard drives are installed into the computer case, along with wiring and cable management.

Typical PCB packaging materials include anti-static bags to prevent ESD damage, bubble wrap or foam for cushioning, corrugated cardboard boxes for external protection, desiccants to absorb moisture, and sealing tape and labels.