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The PCB Assembly (PCBA) process includes applying solder paste, placing components, soldering, inspection and testing. This ensures that all components are correctly mounted and the PCB functions as intended.

Product design and product development are interconnected yet distinct phases of bringing a new product to market. Product design focuses on the conceptual and aesthetic aspects of a product, while product development encompasses the complete process of bringing a product from idea to market, including design, prototyping, testing, and manufacturing.

Yes, PFMEA (Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) is a proactive quality tool used in the manufacturing industry to identify and mitigate potential failures in a process before they occur, enhancing product quality and reliability.

Component design in engineering involves creating and specifying the physical and functional characteristics of parts used in a larger system. This process includes drafting detailed designs, selecting appropriate materials, and defining performance requirements to ensure reliability and functionality.

The product life cycle of an electronic product involves initial research and development, followed by introduction to the market, rapid growth influenced by technology advancements, maturity as market saturation approaches, and eventually, decline as newer technologies emerge.

A DFX certification is a professional accreditation that signifies an individual's expertise and knowledge in applying Design for Excellence principles across the product development process. It covers areas such as manufacturability, assembly, testing, and sustainability, ensuring products are designed with optimal performance, cost, and quality in mind.

What are PCB layouts?

Common soldering problems include cold joints, overheated components, solder bridges (shorts), insufficient wetting, and excessive flux residue. These issues can compromise electrical connections and the reliability of the PCB.

Solderability refers to the ability of a material, typically a metal, to be soldered effectively, allowing for proper wetting and adhesion of the solder to the material's surface.

Avoid common PCB soldering problems by ensuring proper PCB and component storage to prevent oxidation, using suitable flux and solder, maintaining optimal soldering temperatures, and employing adequate preheating and cleaning processes.