デザイン・フォー・エクセレンスには、製品開発のさまざまな側面を最適化することを目的とした一連の原則が含まれています。テスト、製造可能性、組み立て、分析、製品包装のいずれを目的とした設計であっても、DfX はすべての設計決定が、ライフサイクル全体を通じて優れた性能、効率、寿命を実現する製品づくりに貢献することを保証します。
Indic EMS Electronicsでは、設計を検証し、潜在的な問題を特定し、最適な性能と信頼性を実現するために製品を繰り返し改良するために、厳格なプロトタイピングとテスト段階を実施しています。
デザイン・フォー・エクセレンスは静的ではなく、技術の進歩とともに進化していきます。Indic EMS Electronicsは、当社の設計プロセスが業界のトレンドやベストプラクティスの最前線にあり続けることを保証するために、継続的なイノベーションを取り入れています。
INDIC Electronicsでは、電子機器の全体的な性能においてコンポーネントが果たす重要な役割を理解しています。当社の専任部品調達チームは、信頼できるサプライヤーから高品質の部品を調達することを保証します。
- 製造設計 (DFM)、製作、配置分析
- アセンブリ設計 (DFA)
- 信頼性を考慮した設計 (DFR)
DFX intersects with Rapid Prototyping by applying principles of excellence in design to the prototyping phase, ensuring that prototypes are not only produced quickly but also accurately reflect manufacturability, assembly, and testing considerations.
A DFX certification is a professional accreditation that signifies an individual's expertise and knowledge in applying Design for Excellence principles across the product development process. It covers areas such as manufacturability, assembly, testing, and sustainability, ensuring products are designed with optimal performance, cost, and quality in mind.
DFM (Design for Manufacturability) is a subset of DFX (Design for Excellence), focusing specifically on designing products in a way that simplifies manufacturing processes, reduces costs, and ensures quality. DFX encompasses a broader range of considerations, including manufacturability, assembly, testing, cost, and sustainability, aiming for overall excellence in product design and production.
DFX in manufacturing refers to the application of Design for Excellence principles to optimize manufacturing processes, product design, assembly, and testing. It aims to enhance product quality, reduce costs, and ensure efficiency and sustainability in manufacturing.
Design of Excellence refers to the philosophy and practice of designing products with an emphasis on quality, performance, cost-effectiveness, and ease of manufacturing and assembly. It integrates various DFX principles to achieve superior products that meet or exceed customer expectations.
The principles of Design for Excellence (DFX) focus on optimizing all facets of the product lifecycle for performance, cost, quality, time to market, customer satisfaction, and environmental impact. This includes design for manufacturability, assembly, testing, sustainability, and more, aiming for excellence in every aspect of the product's design and production.